Today at the Jazz Festival | Herbie Hancock and Endea Owens and The Cookout

Preview of today’s shows at the Montreal International Jazz Festival.

Herbie Hancock

At 83, Herbie Hancock is one of the living musicians, all categories combined, whose imprint on the world of music is the most indelible and the most sprawling. His 1973 album, Headhunters, has not only erected a few walls of the buildings of jazz-funk and jazz fusion, but has also provided hip-hop with inexhaustible raw material. We expect on this Monday evening a tribute to his former partner in the second great quintet of Miles Davis, Wayne Shorter, who left to join the sky jazz club last March.

Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier, at 7:30 p.m.

Dominic Tardif, The Press

Endea Owens and The Cookout

In the discovery department, the emerging artist and African-American double bass player from Detroit is highly recommended if you are looking for a free jazz plan in an inviting place conducive to jazz rantings of all kinds. The young woman took advantage of the valuable mentorship of the illustrious Ron Carter and in her wake, she responded to invitations from Diana Ross, Wynton Marsalis, Solange and Jon Baptiste, who invited her to play in the house band of Late Show with Stephen Colbert. For the occasion, she presents to us the pieces of Feel Good Musichis first album of original compositions.

Pub La Traversée Molson Export (place Tranquille), at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m.

Claude Côté, special collaboration

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