“Those who tell you ‘cocorico the epidemic is over’ are people who tell you what you want to hear”, assures Philippe Juvin

Philippe Juvin, head of emergencies at the Georges Pompidou hospital in Paris and health adviser to Valérie Pécresse in the presidential election, invited the French not to relax in the face of the Covid-19 epidemic.

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Asked on Sunday January 30 on franceinfo about a possible decline in the epidemic linked to the Omicron variant, Philippe Juvin, head of emergencies at the Georges Pompidou hospital in Paris and health adviser to Valérie Pécresse in the presidential election, believes that “those who tell you ‘cocorico the epidemic is over’ are people who tell you what you want to hear”. For him, “The system is still under stress, the number of hospital admissions continues to increase, with an exception fortunately for critical care”.

Admittedly, Philippe Juvin acknowledges that“there are elements of optimism” in the current evolution of the epidemic situation. “But I remind you that today in France, a person dies from Covid every five minutes”. And to add: “I am struck by this ability that we have to delude ourselves. What worries me is the ability of the health system to hold on”, worries Philippe Juvin.

In addition, the health adviser to presidential candidate LR finds “Too bad that in public transport, performance halls or cinemas, we did not promote FFP2. Or for immunocompromised people, because who dies today? People who are not vaccinated, and immunocompromised “.

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