The astronaut landed with his three teammates on the night of Monday to Tuesday, off Florida. And this did not escape Olivia Leray.
Reading time : 1 min.
As Gabriel Attal said in other circumstances:“For the first time in months, a return to normal lives is possible.” It is with a heavy heart but a lighter mind and social networks that we tell our Thomas that, because one subject a day on him we all start to become a bit of a jerk.
>> To read: What awaits Thomas Pesquet in the coming weeks
How do we judge if he has succeeded in his mission? A successful mission is when you have done all kinds of stuff, a bit like Martine, the children’s series: Martine at the beach, Martine at the cantoche, etc … Well there it is won: for example we had Thomas Pesquet who took pictures, Thomas made a dictation, Thomas presents his blobs … But also, already available in all bookshops, The evening pizza by Thomas Pesquet, the discovery of the oven by Thomas Pesquet, The hairdresser by Thomas Pesquet, the difficulty of folding his laundry by Thomas Pesquet, the new piece of Coldplay launched by Thomas Pesquet, the toilets of Thomas Pesquet, Thomas Pesquet harvests peppers, or Thomas Pesquet plays the saxophone …
And, soon available, Thomas Pesquet knows what Emmanuel Macron is going to say tonight, Thomas Pesquet has already bought his Christmas gifts, or even Thomas Pesquet is visiting a family for the galette des rois.