Thirteen women accuse Gérard Depardieu of sexual violence

The French media Mediapart unveiled Tuesday the testimonies of 13 women accusing Gérard Depardieu of sexual violence, in particular on the shooting of 11 films between 2004 and 2022.

The investigation of several months reveals sexual assaults as well as inappropriate behavior towards younger women. An extra claimed that he would have had “the wandering hand” on the set of the film Disco, by Fabien Onteniente, in 2008, while another, aged 24, recounts having been attacked on the New York set of the film big housein 2014 – charges corroborated by the assistant costume designer.

Gérard Depardieu refused to respond to Mediapart, his lawyers indicating that he “formally denies all the charges likely to fall under criminal law” and that he defends himself from being “a predator”.

The French actor has already been the subject of an indictment for rape since December 2020, after the complaint of actress Charlotte Arnould.

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