these soldiers who want to escape the front


Video duration:
4 mins

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – M. Burgot, G. Marque, L. Lavieille

France Televisions

Many Ukrainians are trying to flee the country to avoid being sent to the front. Reporting.

On one side, Ukraine, on the other, Romania. In the middle, Ukrainian border guards. They track men who try to flee the country, 30 per day on average, while Ukraine prohibits individuals aged 18 to 60 from leaving the territory without special permission. “When we arrest them, some admit that they do not want to go to the front, others say that they want to join their families abroad”confides a young soldier.

Die for nothing?

The men arrested will receive a fine of 200 euros, and will appear on the list of men who can be mobilized. Illegal crossings have created a real business: 2,500 to 10,000 euros per crossing, paid to intermediaries. A France 2 team met a 30-year-old doctor. At the start of the war, he was ready to go to the front. Today, he wants to escape it at all costs. “I changed my mind by observing the system. I don’t want to be one of those poor men who lose their arm or their leg in the trenches”he said.

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