The United States honors the memory of the victims of September 11, 21 years later

America remembers. The Americans honored, Sunday, September 11, the memory of the nearly 3,000 people killed during the worst attacks in history, September 11, 2001, which had deeply traumatized their country.

In New York, the crowd gathered near the impressive Manhattan memorial museum fell silent for two minutes of silence, marking the exact moments when the two planes hijacked by Islamist commandos had struck the towers of the World Trade Center. In the audience, Vice President Kamala Harris listened to the very long list of victims’ names.

President Joe Biden participated in another ceremony at the Pentagon. With a solemn air and a hand on his heart, he laid a wreath near this building where one of the hijacked planes had crashed, killing 184 people. “We will never forget”he had tweeted earlier.

Zelensky evokes the “solidarity” of September 11

On September 11, 2001, 2,977 people died in the attacks committed by the jihadist organization Al-Qaeda. Two planes had struck the two towers of the World Trade Center, a third had ripped open the Pentagon and a fourth, which appeared to be aimed at the Capitol or the White House, had crashed in a wooded area of ​​Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after resistance from the passengers. No one on board the four planes survived.

International officials have also paid tribute to the victims of this attack which had marked the whole world. “As we remember 9/11 and the innocent lives lost, we also remember the solidarity that held us together during those dark hours”tweeted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

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