Video duration:
1 minute
On the plane during the return from his trip to Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), the sovereign pontiff returned to the fate of migrants and European awareness as well as the end of life.
After two days of visit to Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône)Pope Francis held a press conference on the plane taking him back to the Vatican on Saturday September 23. His speech mainly focused on the fate of migrants in the Mediterranean Sea. Asked about the message that he continues to repeat, the pope believes “that there is a better awareness of the migration question”.
“We don’t play with life”
While the end of life is discussed in France, Pope Francis admitted to having spoken with Emmanuel Macron on this subject. “We don’t play with life, neither at the beginning nor at the end”he replied. The man of the church seemed satisfied with his trip to the Marseille city. No other trips are planned at this time.