Des “vehicles, watches, jewelry, ingots, wines” were among the items seized or confiscated and auctioned on Friday, announced the Minister of Justice.
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The sale at auction of more than 300 lots of valuables seized or confiscated by the justice reported Friday (November 5th) nearly three million euros, announced the Minister of Justice. Those 2,980,000 euros “can now be donated to associations”, specified Eric Dupond-Moretti on Twitter. From “vehicles, watches, jewelry, ingots, wines” were among the items sold.
Vehicles, watches, jewelery, ingots, wines… the exceptional auction sale of goods seized by justice has just brought in € 2,980,000 for the State which can now be donated to associations.
The correct method is to hit the delinquents in the wallet.– Eric Dupond-Moretti (@E_DupondM) November 5, 2021
This auction sale of 310 lots of objects seized or confiscated in the context of criminal proceedings was organized at the Ministry of the Economy, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Agency for the management and recovery of seized and confiscated assets ( Agrasc) placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice.
During a press conference Thursday, Eric Dupond-Moretti had hoped that “confiscation” of goods is not limited “the fight against economic and financial crime or organized crime” but be extended to “fight against everyday delinquency in order to ensure that crime no longer pays, that crime no longer pays”.