the salary of the 100 biggest American bosses up 31% in 2021

This is what emerges from a study by the firm Equilar released on Monday. Bosses earned on average 254 times more than their employees last year.

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+ 569% for the boss of Apple, + 65% for that of Goldman Sachs, – 8% for that of Bank of America … The median income of the general managers of the 100 largest American companies increased by 31% in 2021 This is what emerges from a study by the firm Equilar (link in english) aired Monday, April 18.

Between salaries, bonuses and stock options, their median income had fallen by 2% in 2020, the year in which the pandemic broke out, recalls the firm. In 2021, these 100 bosses earned an average of $20 million, with the highest paid being Intel chief executive Patrick Gelsinger ($178 million), details Equilar. He is followed by Apple’s Tim Cook (99 million), Broadcom’s Hock Tan (61 million) and Microsoft’s Satya Nadella (50 million).

“The sharp increase in salaries is likely due to the fact that many companies have chosen to reward their CEOs through bonuses and stock awards for guiding their organizations through turbulent times and driving revenue growth. “says the cabinet.

As a result of these large increases, the ratio between the pay of bosses and that of their employees has also risen. Bosses earned on average 254 times more than their employees in 2021, compared to 238 times the year before. The median pay of employees of these 100 large companies has increased by 4%, to 71,869 dollars.

Equilar establishes its annual ranking based on the 100 companies with the highest turnover having disseminated the information required prior to the general meeting of their shareholders on 31 March. In the ranking are only nine women, none of them being among the 10 highest paid bosses, notes the firm.

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