abstention “is the first enemy of democracy”, warns Renaud Muselier

The president of the region South Provence-Alps-Côte d’Azur calls to consider the polls which gives Emmanuel Macron ahead of Marine Le Pen “with tweezers”.

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abstention “is the first enemy of democracy” alerted, Monday, April 18, on franceinfo Renaud Muselier, president of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region and support of Emmanuel Macron, six days before the second round of the presidential election.“Whatever the outcome” of the election, he adds, “let’s say, there are not enough voters”.

Renaud Muselier believes that “those who don’t vote are seriously mistaken” and “their voices weigh”. The regional president recalls that “Overall, all the candidates are calling from near or far never to vote for Madame Le Pen and for some of them for Monsieur Macron”. But according to him, “the potential vote transfers on all the candidates of the first round are favorable, even if there are abstentions, to Mr Macron”.

Renaud Muselier summarizes the “two choices” of the second round as follows: “Marine Le Pen who is in an ‘everything but Macron'” facing “republican front with an ‘everything but Le Pen’.” The head of the Paca region, who boasts of having foiled the polls during the regional elections, insists that “the election is never acquired until Sunday evening 8 p.m.”. Even if the polls for the moment give the president-candidate ahead of Marine Le Pen, they must be taken “with tweezers”, believes Renaud Muselier. But he insists that Emmanuel Macron has “a clear advantage: he has a more solid program”.

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