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Pension reform will be at the heart of a dinner organized at the Elysée, Wednesday 28 september. The journalist Sébastien Thomas, live from the Élysée, takes stock of the challenges of this meeting.
The presidential camp is more divided than ever on how to initiate pension reform. The subject will be omnipresent during a dinner organized on Wednesday September 28 at the Élysée. Amendment, dedicated text, amending bill… Three options are on the table. “The full majority will be present tonight, at the Elysee. The bosses of the various parties, Horizons, MoDem or even Renaissance, as well as the leaders of the parliamentary groups”precise journalist Sébastien Thomas, live from the Élysée, for the 8 Hours of France 2.
Among the options on the table, therefore, is that of a “amendment to the Social Security financing bill, which, a priori, had rather the favor of the Head of State”but now she “seems to get away”, explains the journalist. “Everyone denounces a passage in force, even within the majority”adds Sébastien Thomas, who makes it known that the second option would be a “dedicated text, a bill maybe in January”. Finally, according to Le Canard enchaîné, “a third way seems to be emerging (…) which would consist in introducing, in January, a corrective amendment to this famous Social Security financing bill”quotes Sébastien Thomas.