Gauvain Sers launches the “song workshop” operation

Music helps to gather hope, in a world that is going a bit into a spin.“With his three albums, Gawain Sers has established himself as a staple of French song, with his own style and unique voice.

The artist takes advantage of his visit to France Bleu to present the “song workshop” operationwhich is very close to his heart.

Operation “song workshop” with Gauvain Sers

With France Bleu, Gauvain Sers embarks on an extraordinary adventure: a song workshop. The singer will go to school in order to share a moment with students on musical writing. He will set to music a text written by a class, on the theme of their choice.

“Children are quite touching when it comes to music and writing, they are quite unfiltered

I will try to compose a song, a melody, on the text that they will have written themselves.”

How to choose a theme, be inspired, choose your words, your rhymes? Gawain Sers will share his know-how and sublimate the text of the students with a melody of which he alone has the secret. We can expect the most beautiful song of the year!

I am attached to transmitting passions from generation to generation, that’s what makes life more beautiful, to be passionate about everyday things.

It is moreover the father of Gauvain, professor of mathematics, who transmitted to him his passion for the French song. In “Decibels”, he remembers her first songwritten when he was 17 years old.

Gawain Sers is the guest of Émilie Mazoyer in the show decibels to talk about this operation and its musical news.

Participate in “The song workshop of Gauvain Sers”

To participate in the “L’atelier chanson de Gauvain Sers” contest, go to our contest registration page.

You are teachers, schoolchildren, college students Where high school students ? Complete the registration form by sending a songeven unfinished, accompanied by a few lines of introduction.

Decibels, the chronicle

Too busy filling 500 euro baskets on your favorite clothing sites without ever validating… It’s as good as buying for real, huh? So, have you neglected the musical news a bit? No worries, Emilie Mazoyer tells you everything: 40 candles for Nolwenn Leroy, the return of Star Ac and that of Tryo.

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