The pie of the kings by Anne Sigrist, butcher in Schleithal

Anne Sigrist from the Sigrist butcher in Schleithal is this morning with Pierre Nuss to present her butcher and charcuterie, in business since 1810, as well as its various products. Including his famous “pie of kings”.

Butcher-Butcher-Caterer Sigrist

158 Principale Street | 67160 Schleithal

Phone. : | E-mail : [email protected]

The Michelin-starred Chef Olivier Nasti is the godfather of the 2022 edition of the king’s pie with his “Poultry pie in Genever”, the operation lasts until January 23.

Anne Sigrist also offers her own recipe for king pie, which won the competition a few years ago.

A unique new collection of magnificent beans to collect from 120 Alsatian butchers!

Find out if yours is participating in the operation.

AND … a scratch card offered at each checkout!

Click to see Olivier Nasti du Chambard’s recipe.

The site of the Federation of Butchers-Charcutiers-Caterers of Alsace.

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