the parents of her husband Jérôme Gaillard committed suicide

The parents of Jérôme Gaillard, who had confessed to having killed his companion, were indicted for “complicity in murder by spouse” and “complicity in attempted murder by spouse”.

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The parents of Jérôme Gaillard, who had recognized the murder of Magali Blandin in Montfort-sur-Meu (Ille-et-Vilaine) in March 2021 before committing suicide in November 2021 in prison, committed suicide, learned Tuesday February 7 France Bleu Armorique from a source familiar with the matter, confirming information from Ouest-France.

Monique and Jean Gaillard, aged 73 and 76, were found hanged on Tuesday at their home in La Turballe (Loire-Atlantique), where the couple lived year-round. In 2021, they both admitted to having been aware of Magali Blandin’s murder plan from their son.

They had been imprisoned in March 2021 before being released in November 2021. They have since been indicted for “complicity in murder by spouse” and “complicity in attempted murder by spouse”.

The body of Magali Blandin, a 42-year-old special education teacher and mother of four, disappeared on February 10, 2021. She was found dead in March of the same year, more than a month after her disappearance, buried in a wood near Rennes. Her husband, Jérôme Gaillard, had confessed to having killed her. He had committed suicide in prison.

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