newborn baby found alive in rubble



Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

D. Schlienger, @RevelateursFTV, J. Berbett – France 3

France Televisions

In Syria, Monday, February 6, rescuers found a newborn, alive. Both parents of the little girl died in the earthquake.

She’s barely a day old, but she’s already a survivor, a symbol of life force amidst horror. She was born Monday, February 6 in Syria, under a collapsed four-storey building. When the emergency services pull her out of the rubble, she is to their great surprise alive. It is then 0°C. She is urgently swaddled in a blanket.

The only survivor of the family

His mother died giving birth to him. It was her uncle who discovered her while digging through the ruins, when he didn’t even know she existed. “We found the bodies of the parents next to each other. We heard a noise while we were digging. (…) And we found the baby, still attached to its mother by its umbilical cord”, says the latter. The little orphan is the only survivor of the family. She was rushed to hospital.

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