“The Palestinians are waiting for concrete measures”, assures a French teacher in Gaza



Video duration:
25 mins


Article written by

franceinfo – J. Benedetto, A. Mikoczy

France Televisions

Ziad Medoukh, professor of French at Gaza University, and Olivier Rafowicz, spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces, are the guests of 19/20 info.

Ziad Medoukh, a French teacher in Gaza, remained there despite the conflict between Israel and Hamas. “It is a symbolic gesture. I am Palestinian, I work for French education. I evacuated my wife and family“, he confides. Before adding that no one is safe and highlighting the difficulties he is currently experiencing. “Palestinians await concrete measures“, he says.

A difficult future to envisage for Gaza

Olivier Rafowicz, spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces, said:the legitimate and obligatory right to enter the Gaza Strip and destroy Hamas“. Before indicating that the action plans depend on several parameters and do not want civilians to be caught in attacks.

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