the mobility lease popular with owners



Video length: 2 min

Real estate: mobility leases popular with owners

While owners of second homes saw their taxes jump this fall, some turned to the mobility lease, which allows you to rent for just a few months. Explanations. – (France 2)

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France 2 – PL. Monnier, G. de Florival, E. Delevoye, N. Dahan, Ch. La Rocca, D. Aysun

France Televisions

While owners of second homes saw their taxes jump this fall, some turned to the mobility lease, which allows you to rent for just a few months. Explanations.

This is the new fashionable formula on real estate classified ad sites: the lease mobility. This is a medium-term rental contract. More and more owners are choosing this option: + 50% in one year, according to a specialized website. In Aix-en-Provence, a retiree has just rented out his second home in Paris. Since he discovered his housing tax of 2,224 euros, he decided to opt for a lease mobility of three months.

A boon as the Olympics approach

“Over three months I will get back 4,500 euros, which will largely cover my basic costs. From April, I could get my apartment back if I want”, he said. Concretely, this lease Mobility is a furnished rental contract, for a minimum of one month and up to ten months maximum. It is intended for students, apprentices or mobile employees. A godsend for some, as the Olympic Games approach. In Paris, an owner wants to use it until this summer, then would like to get her apartment back, to rent it three to four times more expensive during the Olympics.

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