The leader of the CAQ did not appreciate that his liberal opponent accused him of being responsible for a setback for women.

The liberal leader is “misplaced” to bring charges linking access to childcare services and the place of women in society, according to François Legault.

Dominique Anglade stung Mr. Legault by saying that under his reign we had observed “a setback for women”, during the second debate Thursday evening. She pointed out that many women with children cannot return to the labor market due to a lack of childcare spaces.

“It shocked me a little this attack which often comes from Ms. Anglade. With Sonia LeBel, we have done so much for women, ”reacted the leader of the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ), at the end of the exercise on Radio-Canada.

“I think she’s in such a bad position to talk about child care because the Liberal government increased child care fees. We have put it back at a single price. We corrected the error, ”continued Mr. Legault.

Ms. Anglade added, at the end of the debate, that the CAQ leader “underestimates” and “always adopts a paternalistic way of approaching” issues related to women.

“The government of François Legault does not take the full measure of the impacts, of the decisions on women. The example of child care services is one. When we talk about our nurses who are forced to work compulsory overtime, that’s another thing,” said the Liberal leader.

Ms. Anglade considers that she took her place during this last debate of the electoral campaign. “I said what I had to say. I was very combative,” she commented.

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois was the target of several of Mr. Legault’s attacks. The latter affirmed that the co-spokesperson of Québec solidaire was living “in wonderland” with his “orange tax” on highly polluting vehicles.

“François Legault spends these days criticizing the party that has the best environmental plan and he offers nothing. Mr. Legault lives in another era. He has a vision of another era and it showed tonight,” said Mr. Nadeau-Dubois in a press scrum.

Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, for his part, was satisfied that independence was able to take up space during this debate. The leader of the Parti Québécois hopes that sovereignists who voted for the CAQ in 2018 will return to the fold.

According to him, when it comes to independence, Mr. Legault “changes the subject or always offers the same answers”. He regrets that when the moderator asked Mr. Legault how he would vote in the event of a possible referendum on sovereignty, he did not answer.

“There is no transparent answer on sovereignty and the French language,” reproached Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon.

Éric Duhaime had a vigorous exchange with Mr. Legault about the pandemic. The CAQ leader accused Mr. Duhaime of having “benefited from the suffering of people” and of having “played the role of agitator” for two years.

The attack had a surprise effect for the leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec.

“I was very surprised by Mr. Legault, when he chose to address this issue. We were talking about mental health and he decided to start attacking me on seniors and the health crisis. The mental health crisis, I would have hoped it would be a much less partisan debate, ”he said sorry in a press briefing.

At the end of the televised debate, François Legault mentioned that Mr. Duhaime had “disqualified” himself for not having been in solidarity with seniors during the pandemic.

The electoral campaign is in its final stretch with 10 days left before the polling day scheduled for October 3. Voters will also be able to vote in advance on September 25 and 26.

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