The Laudescher company officially labeled “Living Heritage Company”

Laudescher is now a “Living Heritage Company”, like 1,500 other French structures. The Manche company, based in Carentan and founded in 1965 received this state label on Monday, issued by the prefect of the Normandy region, Pierre-André Durand. Specialized in the manufacture of top-of-the-range solid wood claustras (partitions added to ceilings or walls in buildings), its know-how is now recognized. Laudescher recently equipped the new premises of Scotland Yardthe headquarters of the London police and intends to develop even further thanks to this label.

Go from an annual turnover of 10.5 million euros to 25 million euros by 2030

The company currently employs 50 people, for a annual turnover of 10.5 million euros. “It is a mark of recognition for all our employees. It brings us a lot of notoriety and visibility, it’s very good for our desire for international development, we have just done our first project in the United States, we are in Germany, we have projects in Sri Lanka and in many countries around the world“, explains the general manager of Laudescher, Rodrigue Carasco. “We have ambitions to develop turnover. We are aiming for 25 million by 2030. Before the Covid we had 20% growth, there it is rather around 5 to 7% but we are growing nonetheless“, continues the one who joined the family business in 2019.

Laudescher also took the opportunity yesterday to inaugurate the new building it has just built, just opposite the current factory, in particular to develop its activity research and development. The place will serve, among other things, as a place of training in the installation of screens, with also a space dedicated to welcoming the public.

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