Breakdown at Rogers: telecoms will be forced to help each other in an emergency

Canadian telecommunications companies will have to agree by the end of the summer on a mutual aid protocol when one of them suffers a major outage, said Minister François-Philippe Champagne at the end of a meeting with industry representatives on Monday afternoon.

• Read also: The outage at Rogers has complicated purchases across the country

• Read also: The management of the Rogers outage is a “disaster”

• Read also: ‘Most trusted network in the country’: class action lawsuit against Rogers for misleading advertising

Mr. Champagne reiterated to the CEO of Rogers during the meeting that the situation created by the major outage last Friday was “unacceptable”.

The Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry also announced that the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) will investigate the causes of the outage in addition to making recommendations to the government on how to deal with such crises.

More details to come…

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