the insides of Renaud Muselier’s departure



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Renaud Muzzle, president of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, announced his departure from the Republicans on Wednesday, November 24. The journalist of France Télévisions Julien Nény decipher this ad on the board of 23 hours of Franceinfo.

President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, Renaud Muselier announced his departure from the Les Républicains party on Wednesday, November 24. On the set of 23 hours of Franceinfo, the journalist of France Televisions Julien Nény returns on what motivated this decision. He explains that the elected official would have warned Xavier Bertrand by text, Tuesday, November 23, that he was going “formalize a little later in an interview with the Parisian his support for next week’s Congress at Les Républicains”. The president of Hauts-de-France would then have felt that this support “can be very embarrassing for him” because of the agreement between Renaud Muselier and LREM during the regional elections last June which did not please the LR members.

The journalist explains that Xavier Bertrand then asked Eric Ciotti, competitor for the LR nomination in the presidential election of 2022 and “sworn enemy” by Renaud Muselier, not to react publicly “to try not to weaken the unity of the party”. But when he read that the president of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region tackles him by accusing him in particular of sending “signals to the extreme right”, Eric Ciotti responded and questioned Xavier Bertrand on Twitter, asking him if he “accepts this support and validates such attacks” ? The president of Hauts-de-France replied that if Renaud Muselier gave him his support, he cannot “Accept the terms. His attacks on Eric Ciotti are unacceptable”. “Finally, those who lose feathers in this story, it is perhaps the party itself, always more torn between its classic Gaullist, republican line and the threat of being siphoned off by the extreme right of Zemmour and Le Pen “, concludes Julien Nény.

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