what to remember from government announcements to slow the spread of the epidemic

In a context of resumption of the pandemic even stronger than expected, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, announced new measures intended to curb the fifth wave of Covid-19. The number of daily cases increased by 50% in one week in Francefrom 19,778 on November 13 to 30,454 on November 23.

The executive considers “that we can pass this fifth wave without resorting to the most restrictive tools”, reconciling “freedom and responsibility”, explains Olivier Véran. So there will be “no confinement, no curfew, no early closure of shops, no restriction of movement”, assures the Minister of Health. “We can succeed in crossing this wave without further restrictive measures for the population”. Franceinfo summarizes the main announcements made to slow down the new epidemic wave.

A booster dose of the vaccine for all adults, 5 months after the last injection

From Saturday November 27, the French are invited to recall their vaccination. The Minister of Health recalled that the vaccine protects individually by reducing “Very strongly” severe forms of the disease and collectively reducing “strongly” virus circulation. But he also pointed out that its effectiveness, that is, the immunity it confers, decreases over time, which is a “classic phenomenon” for a vaccine. It is therefore necessary to repeat this reminder to “reactivate immune memory”. It will concern, from Saturday 27 November, all adults aged 18 and over.

This new dose can be injected within five months. After the “last injection”, according to the recommendations of thea Haute Autorité de santé (HAS), published Thursday, November 25. Moreover, at From January 15, the health pass will be deactivated if its holder has not had a booster dose within “seven months after the last injection”, in the words of the Minister of Health.

Regarding the availability of vaccines, Olivier Véran assured that the government has the “25 million doses of Pfizer and Moderna” necessary for this recall campaign. “Of the 25 million eligible French people, 6 million have already had their booster, so 19 million remain to be vaccinated”, he calculated.

The minister also assured that all liberal health professionals (nurses, midwives, town doctor, physiotherapists and pharmacists) are able to vaccinate and that “the 1,100 vaccination centers currently open will be reinforced this weekend “.

A precise schedule for the booster doses

The Minister of Health has detailed the different scenarios for adults eligible for this booster dose. The table below takes stock of all the situations:

the validity period of tests integrated in the health pass is reduced to 24 hours

For people who have not been vaccinated and who use antigenic tests or PCR to obtain their health pass, the period of validity of this device will be reduced from Monday, November 29: from now on, the health pass will only be valid for 24 hours. hours, compared to 72 hours previously.

This 24-hour validity will be calculated from the time of the sample and not upon receipt of the test results, said Olivier Véran. Usually reported within an hour for antigen testing, PCR results take longer to arrive.

The mask is again compulsory in closed places

“By wear and tear or false reinsurance”, the mask has been gradually removed, deplores Olivier Véran. “Starting tomorrow [vendredi], a decree will again make it compulsory to wear a mask everywhere indoors ” in places open to the public, including places where the health pass is requested, announces the Minister of Health.

What’s more, “the prefects will also be empowered, department by department, to make it compulsory to wear a mask in outdoor events”, For example, “Christmas markets”, which will also be subject to the health pass.

Classes will not always be closed after the appearance of a positive case

From next week, “There will no longer be systematic class closures from the first case” of Covid-19 among elementary school students, announced Jean-Michel Blanquer. According to the Minister of National Education, “A systematic screening of the whole class will take place and only pupils presenting a negative test will be able to return to class”.

“Our compass remains the priority of an open school”, recalled Jean-Michel Blanquer, stressing that “8,500 schools [étaient] closed yesterday [mercredi], against 4,100 on November 19 “.

Vaccination of 5-11 year olds is being considered, but not before 2022

The vaccination of this age group was tested this Thursday by the‘European Medicines Agency (EMA) with the vaccine from Pfizer-BioNTech. Now the National Consultative Ethics Committee (CCNE) and the HAS must be seized, said the Minister of Health. If these authorities are favorable, and if the government follows their recommendation, the vaccination of 5-11 year olds will not be effective anyway. “before the beginning of the year 2022, since it is necessary, for that, to receive the doses adapted to the children”.

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