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22 million French people live in a medical desert. The Head of State has therefore attach its desire to encourage retired doctors to continue working, thus combining salary and retirement pension, without paying old-age contributions.
In a brand new nursing home, a doctor retired for five years will soon return to service. His department, Eure, is a medical desert. So Emmanuel Macron’s speech made him think about “to relieve his colleagues” and because He misses contact with his patients. Another doctor, based in a popular district of Paris, also wants to feel useful. He was due to retire in January, but in the end, he decided to combine employment and retirement, which saves him 1,500 euros per month.
Today, 19,456 doctors in France combine employment and retirement, i.e. nearly 10% workforce. By exempting the old-age contribution, the government hopes to convince more doctors to continue their activity and thus guarantee a sufficient number of health professionals. “Our fear is that some who hadn’t thought of retiring right away will retire and say: ‘I combine employment and retirement for a year, I will not pay contributions'”explains Doctor Isabelle Domenech BonnetDeputy Treasurer at MG France.