The candidates and jurors of “Top Chef” totally amazed by this extraordinary dessert… what a completely crazy thing happened!

If the new season of Top chef on M6 will have the honor of receiving Pierre Gagnaire this Wednesday, April 6, the candidates had to compete individually on a first test. Mickaël and Sébastien from Philippe Etchebest’s Brigade, Lucie from Glenn Viel’s Brigade, and Wilfried from Hélène Darroze’s Brigade. They were challenged by Eduard Xatruch and Oriol Castro, two two-star Spanish chefs whose Catalan restaurant (in Barcelona, ​​editor’s note) is among the five best in the world.

The duo had a nice surprise in store. “It’s completely impressive”warned Stéphane Rosenberg. “Our goal was to cook a fruit in an original and unprecedented way. In this case mango. We usually cook fish in a salt crust but for a fruit, we did it in a sugar crust. This preparation, it is called, the coal of kings”they explained to the candidates as well as to Glenn Viel, Hélène Darroze and Philippe Etchebest.


After having had their eyes full, they were able to taste this “mango volcano and its lava”which was opened with a hammer. “Magic, what is this cooking, what will it give… we ask ourselves lots of questions but we have lots of glitter in our eyes” reacted Sébastien Renard, amazed.

But before everyone could immerse themselves in an unprecedented tasting, one of the chefs asked them to wait. “Who says volcano, says lava so we imagined an edible lava”. And again a visual spectacle unfolded. “An apple juice which reacts with dry ice will cause this edible lava, which becomes the sauce of this dessert”. “I savor the gaze of the chefs and the candidates because it is worth the detour”intervened all smiles, the host of the culinary program!

See also: Zapping: Top Chef (M6) the gadin of Hélène Darroze


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