the battle for the popular vote



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Beuvry elects left-wing mayors, but the far-right vote comes first in the first round of every presidential election since 2002… What happened in this former mining area of ​​Pas-de-Calais?

Our reporter returned to her hometown of Pas-de-Calais, to try to understand why, while she has been electing left-wing mayors for a long time, she has placed the National Rally in the lead, in every presidential election, for twenty years.

Distrust of traditional parties

What happened in this former mining basin to make the inhabitants vote for the far right? Why this distrust of traditional parties? “Special Envoy” tells you about this battle at the top to capture the voices of the working classes.

A report by Arnaud Muller broadcast in “Special Envoy” on April 14, 2022.

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