The Romans settled on the banks of the Charente. The town of Saintes (Mediolanum), located at the western end of a commercial and road axis (via Agrippa) which linked Lyon (capital of Trois Gaules) to the Atlantic seaboard, was then quickly monumentalized. During the time of Augustus (27 BC – 14 AD), the city probably became the capital of the province of Greater Aquitaine (Aquitania). It then extended from the Loire to the Pyrenees. Mediolanum then acquires important public monuments: theamphitheaterthe arch of Germanicus, the baths and the aqueduct are still partially visible today.
The Mediolanum amphitheater is one of the earliest in Gaul. It is possible that its construction began during the reign of Tiberius (14 – 37 AD), and was completed during the reign of Claudius (41 – 54 AD).
This elliptical monument, of imposing dimensions (126 meters long and 102 meters wide), was able to accommodate several thousand spectators around bloody and violent performances such as gladiator fights Where animal hunts.
– @davidmorel
Today, despite the disappearance of the superstructures, the remains give a faithful image of what this monument could have been at the time of its splendor.
The site is now calmer and welcomes visitors all year.
And even if he currently has to undergo significant works it is animated during events such as the National Days of Archeology and the European Heritage Days.
Gallo-Roman amphitheater
20 rue Lacurie
05 46 97 73 85