Television: our pick tonight

Rediscovered pleasures

Tonight’s episode retraces the small and the big story of “pleasures” that we have been deprived of in the past two years and that we are gradually finding again: restaurants and large gatherings.

Kebec, Télé-Québec, 7:30 p.m.

The passer on the field

In this short series in four episodes, we follow the novelist, slammer and poet David Goudreault who sets out to meet people from different backgrounds to pass on to them his love of words and give them the desire to make them their own.

Of the world, of words, Artv 9 p.m.

The past comes back

This first original Canadian crime documentary series from the Amazon platform, directed by Montrealer Nathalie Bibeau, returns in four episodes to the murder of a young Ontario woman in 1974, which remained unsolved for a long time. For lovers of this very popular genre.

The Unsolved Murder of Beverly Lynn Smith, Prime Video

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