Tariff shield, oil heating, inflation … Gabriel Attal’s “8:30 franceinfo”

Gabriel Attal, Minister Delegate in charge of Public Accounts, was the guest of the 8:30 a.m. franceinfoThursday September 15, 2022. Tariff shield, oil heating, inflation… He answers questions from Marc Fauvelle and Salhia Brakhlia.

Oil heating: up to 200 euros in aid

The government “working on an aid” who “would go from 100 to 200 euros” for 1.4 million French people who heat themselves with fuel oil, announces the Minister Delegate in charge of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal. This represents “half of households that heat with oil”he says.

This aid will be paid “from November”, according to the Minister Delegate. It can be combined with the exceptional energy check, also from 100 to 200 euros, announced by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne on Wednesday. “For the most modest households, that’s up to 400 euros in exceptional aid this winter to fill your tank”assures Gabriel Attal.

>> Tariff shield, energy check, aid for fuel oil … Measures to “protect the French” specified by the Minister of Public Accounts

Energy crisis: “We will continue to protect the French”

“The compass is that we will continue to protect the French”, assures Gabriel Attal. The Minister Delegate in charge of Public Accounts came to clarify the Prime Minister’s announcements on energy prices in a context of rising inflation to 4.2% in 2023. “We will pass the peak in 2023 and inflation will decrease”he estimates, based on “the consensus of global forecasts”knowing that “uncertainties weigh”, “especially because there are geopolitical hazards”especially the war in Ukraine.

Pension reform that could “apply in the summer of 2023”

“Our wish is that” pension reform “begins to apply in summer 2023”, recalls Gabriel Attal, Minister Delegate in charge of Public Accounts. It will happen “very gradually”. “There are no decisions made on the subject” for now, he says.

Find the entire “8:30 franceinfo” of Thursday, September 15, 2022:

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