(Wildwood) “A liar”, “not trustworthy”: supporters of Donald Trump, present at one of the Republican’s first gatherings since the start of his trial, do not carry his ex-lawyer Michael Cohen in their hearts . It is the least we can say.
“Cohen, it’s a big joke,” says Lisa Lombardo, 61. “He has no credibility. »
The fifty-year-old is expected to take the stand on Monday for the former president’s trial in New York, as a key witness for the prosecution.

Donald Trump holds a rally in New Jersey on Saturday.
In the neighboring state of New Jersey, thousands of people flocked to the resort town of Wildwood to show their support for the four-times indicted Republican candidate.
Many of them are convinced that the accusations against Donald Trump are completely unfounded, or claim, without proof, that they are instigated by his Democratic rival in the election, President Joe Biden.
Elect Trump, even if he is convicted
The trial of the septuagenarian is “motivated by political reasons”, accuses John Dipietro, who came to celebrate his 60the birthday at that campaign rally – and wearing a “Trump Was Right Everywhere” t-shirt.

A large crowd is in Wilwood, New Jersey, for a Donald Trump rally.
Donald Trump’s ex-lawyer, at the center of the case of payments to a pornographic film star for which the Republican is being prosecuted, is “a proven liar”, he assures.
This man, who works in finance, says that a conviction of Donald Trump before the election would make him “even more want to knock on doors to encourage people to come and vote” for the former real estate mogul in November .
“The pitbull”
“It is absolutely impossible that I would not vote for him,” adds Danielle Janik. This 56-year-old woman drove almost three hours to see her foal and she also has no tender words for Michael Cohen.
It was he, a faithful among the faithful at the time, nicknamed Donald Trump’s “pitbull”, who paid $130,000 to a pornographic actress to buy her silence, at the end of the presidential campaign in 2016. And who should reveal behind the scenes of this transaction on Monday.
“Cohen is not trustworthy, and I think he is just trying to get people talking about him,” sweeps away this caregiver, who is participating in her first Donald Trump campaign meeting.
These gatherings, punctuated by a strange mixture of patriotic tunes, conspiratorial messages and Elvis Presley songs, still bring in the same tide of red caps that brought the Republican billionaire to power almost eight years ago.
The Trump camp predicted a participation of more than 40,000 people on Saturday.