Solène Chalvon-Fioriti, independent journalist and senior reporter, declares that “he is interviewed every week, and above all big change, he can call us”


Video duration:
7 mins


The 12/13 info receives Solène Chalvon-Fioriti, independent journalist, major reporter, and director of the film “Afghanes”, while it has been nine months this Saturday, October 7 that our Franco-Afghan colleague Mortaza Behboudi has been detained by the Taliban, in a prison in Kabul (Afghanistan).

What state of mind is Mortaza Behboudi in today, nine months after this detention? “At the moment, there is more hope, because the first months of Mortaza’s detention were appalling, in an Afghan intelligence prison. Today, he is in a justice process. He is interviewed every weeks, and above all big change, he can call us”reports Solène Chalvon-Fioriti, independent journalist, major reporter, and director of the film “Afghanes”, and who knows Mortaza Behboudi well.

“Still very journalistic”

What was the content of the telephone exchanges between Solène Chalvon-Fioriti and her Franco-Afghan colleague Mortaza Behboudi? “The first time, I was so surprised, I was in the metro, that I think I was really stupid. He needed to empty his bag and then he resumed his natural temperament, which is to be a fighter, and he said ‘I absolutely want to write about what is happening around me in prison.’ He was still very much a journalist, and assured of the fact that there was still very great support behind him, and that ‘he had to hold on’relates Solène Chalvon-Fioriti.

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