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Thursday April 7, three days before the first round of the presidential election, journalist Caroline Motte presents the campaign newspaper, on the 12/13 set of France 3.
Thursday April 7, Emmanuel Macron, the outgoing president, told Le Figaro that he found himself in Nicolas Sarkozy’s values, such as work or merit. In order to convince voters, some sent voice messages. “This telephone canvassing technique is not new. In 2017, according to information from the Parisian, Emmanuel Macron had spent 60,000 euros for these automated calls”says journalist Caroline Motte, present on the set of 12/13 of France 3.
Yannick Jadot, environmental candidate, has also launched an appeal to save the planet. “I appeal to conscience”, he said on France Inter. Nathalie Arthaud, LO candidate, thinks that the system must change. Finally, singer Renaud, engaged on the left, announced his support for candidate Philippe Poutou (NPA). He also warned that this presidential campaign would be the last for him as a candidate.