significant economic consequences for Ferrero



Article written by

P.-L.Monnier, V.Gaget, B. Six Ph.Lagaune, L. De Pavant, P.Brame – France 2

France Televisions

Saturday April 9, one week from Easter, the giant Ferrero recognizes failures, while many products Kinder were recalled for cases of salmonellosis.

On Saturday April 9, a hypermarket withdrew 15,000 euros from Kinder of its shelves, a third of Easter chocolates, after reminders for the risk of salmonellosis. When you see that, it’s shocking. It’s still the life of the children”observes a customer, who does not want to eat chocolates again Kinder. Since Friday April 8, five categories of chocolates Kinder are recalled, regardless of their expiry dates.

They were made in a factory in Belgium which is now closed, after dozens of cases of salmonellosis. The parent company of KinderFerrero, recognizes shortcomings and apologizes. For Yves Puget, editorial director of LSAthe French will again consume products Kinder”because they forget quite easily”. The customers concerned can be reimbursed in the form of vouchers, by contacting the group. The incriminated batches must be discarded.

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