While the Queen of England celebrates the 70th anniversary of her accession to the throne on Sunday, “it is difficult to imagine another jubilee”, analyzed on franceinfo the specialist in royalty Stéphane Bern.
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Queen Elizabeth II of England began celebrating her 70th anniversary on Sunday, February 6, 2022, the platinum jubilee. Crowned at the age of 25 in 1953, she thus reached an unprecedented record in the British monarchy. “Platinum Wedding with the Nation”, greeted on franceinfo Stéphane Bern, specialist in royalty. In a letter, the Queen expressed the wish that Prince Charles would succeed her and that his wife, Camilla, would become queen consort when he became king.
The celebration of this anniversary will be the occasion for great celebrations in the United Kingdom, the culmination of which will take place in June, the queen having been crowned on June 2, 1953. According to Stéphane Bern, the British will come en masse to pay tribute to their queen car “one can hardly imagine another jubilee” for this 95-year-old woman. “She knows very well that this is the last time we will really celebrate Queen Elizabeth, this second Elizabethan era”, he says. “We are going to put all the gum, the British absolutely want to meet up with friends, between neighbors”, he says.
“She wants to reign until her last breath”, according to him. “She wants to die as a queen”, assures Stéphane Bern. “She will never abdicate”, he predicts. “She will remain the queen until her last breath”, assures the specialist. “This is the last time we can celebrate her, that’s why she preserved her health to be able to participate in all the ceremonies and festivities.”
According to the royalty specialist, the Queen “prepares the British people for their end”. “She looks the future in the face and knows that it is the continuity of the institution that is most important”, he concludes.