several hundred people gathered in Paris in support of Palestine


Video duration:
2 min

War between Hamas and Israel: several hundred people gathered in Paris in support of Palestine

War between Hamas and Israel: several hundred people gathered in Paris in support of Palestine – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – A.Vallée, J.Chamoulaud

France Televisions

In Paris, a pro-Palestine demonstration was banned on Saturday October 28, but that did not prevent several hundred people from gathering on the Place du Châtelet. Reporting.

United with one demand: peace. “I didn’t sleep all night, it’s not possible, and France bans the demonstration even though it’s peaceful”, deplores a demonstrator. These demonstrators also denounce the Israeli bombings on the Gaza Strip and the action of France.

Referrals from 14 associations

The police were present to prevent the demonstration from reaching the adjacent streets. It was banned by the police headquarters a few hours before it began, despite requests from 14 associations. “France is the only country in the world where demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine have been banned”says François Sauterey, co-president of the Movement against racism and friendship between peoples.

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