salmon tartare, pomegranate, lemon, apple, kumquat, grapefruit and cucumber

To cook like a chef, here is the list of ingredients for 4 people and the recipe to follow step by step!


– 4 salmon steaks

-1 pomegranate

– 1 Granny Smith apple

– 1 grapefruit

– 1 cucumber

– 100 g of kumquats

– olive oil

– 1 lemon juice

– 1 bunch of lemongrass

– 1 bunch of coriander


Wash and cut the cucumber into a fine brunoise. Season with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper, then set aside. peel raw then cut the grapefruit into segments. Then finely chop the herbs. Using a Japanese mandolin, cut the apple and add lemon.

In a salad bowl with cold water, collect the seeds of the pomegranate then add it to the cucumber. Season with herbs, olive oil, salt and pepper.

Keep a few segments of grapefruit and Granny Smith slices aside. Cut the kumquats into 4 and brown them in a saucepan in butter, with a little oil, for a few minutes.

Using a knife, remove the skin from the salmon by making a small incision towards the bottom of the steak, then chop it with a knife. Finally, mix in the salmon, cucumber, pomegranate and chopped herbs.


In a large plate, using a round cookie cutter, place half the tartare. Finish by fanning out the apple slices and the grapefruit segments. Finally, place the kumquats all around.

All you have to do is enjoy!

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