sales of thermal colanders increase in France


Article written by

J.Poissonnier, L.Courte, B.Vignais, N.Auer, J.Roth, S.Gravelaine – France 2

France Televisions

Since the fall of 2021, sales of thermal colanders have multiplied. Among the reasons for this take-off, a new method of calculating energy diagnostics.

Listings for F- or G-rated properties, considered thermal sieves, are on the rise. Their sale increased by 7.7% in France. Due to this increase, a new way of calculating energy diagnostics since autumn 2021. An apartment in the Paris suburbs seems to have good thermal insulation, but the building is heated with fuel oil, which costs it the lowest rating, a G. “When this apartment was purchased, it was classified as E. Today we are putting it back on sale and this same apartment is classified as G”explains Christophe Al Youssef, real estate agent.

In six months, the number of properties classified G has more than doubled. This more severe rating should encourage owners to renovate, but some prefer to sell. “Given the work, we could not finance, it was impossible”testifies Daniel Kraemer, an owner who could not renovate his home and who considers state aid insufficient.

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