Refugee victims of rape come up against anti-abortion law in Poland!

They left everything to flee the horrors of the war in Ukraine, but unfortunately, some Ukrainian women continue to fight in their host country… Indeed, while Poland has opened its doors to more than half of Ukrainian exiles Since the start of the Russian invasion, several Ukrainian women have been shocked to discover the Polish government’s recent anti-abortion law.

Raped by Russian soldiers or local criminals, many Ukrainian women are now trying to obtain the precious right to end their pregnancies… Especially since in Poland, abortion is authorized in cases of incest , rape or even danger of death of the mother!

“In the Ukraine they left, abortion is legal”

“You have to prove you were raped, make a report credible enough for the police to believe you. It’s already complicated for Polish women, but for refugees it’s even worse. They are shocked because in the Ukraine they left, abortion is legal,” explained Nastya Podorozhnya on the airwaves ofEurope 1a young woman at the initiative of a helpline on Telegram to inform and support those who cross borders pregnant and wish to have an abortion.

Valuable support insofar as in Poland, helping a woman who wishes to have an abortion is considered by law to be a crime punishable by three years in prison…

see also: War in Ukraine: A famous actor disappears on the front at the age of 33

Lisa Ziane

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