runners positive for Covid-19 may be allowed to stay in the race

The International Cycling Union published on Tuesday a new version of the health protocol applicable to the three major events on its calendar, leaving the possibility of keeping riders positive for Covid-19 in the race.

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A majority vote. The fate of riders who tested positive for Covid-19 on the Grand Tours will now rest in the hands of three doctors. Three days before the start of the Grande Boucle from Copenhagen (Denmark), the International Cycling Union (UCI) published, on Tuesday June 28, an updated version of its health protocol applicable to the Tours of France, Spain and Italy. . The Swiss-based institution clearly announces the possibility of leaving a cyclist positive for Covid-19 in the race.

“In the event of the occurrence within a team of a case of Covid-19 confirmed by an antigen test and then by a PCR test (whether it is a rider or a staff member) , the decision on possible isolation will be taken collectively by the doctor of the team concerned, the Covid-19 doctor of the event and the medical director of the UCI, on the basis of the clinical elements available. will be taken by a majority of the panel”, exposes the UCI. Previously, according to the January 2022 protocol, the responsibility for this decision rested with the UCI, which had to consult “the organizers and the national authorities”. So far, no runner declared positive has been kept in the race.

Also, the rule that allowed the organizer to withdraw a team if two or more of its riders were affected by the virus in less than seven days is lifted. The announcement of these new measures comes as the Tour de Suisse, in mid-June, had been greatly disrupted by the multiplication of cases of Covid-19 and a seventh wave is currently affecting France.

Regarding prevention, runners and team members will all be tested, via an antigenic test, 48 hours beforehand and during the two rest days (July 11 and 18). During the race, the UCI recommends that team personnel (in addition to athletes) test themselves daily or, failing that, every two or three days. In addition, the obligation to wear a mask is maintained.

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