the actor of the “Dinner of idiots” in mourning

“You don’t get rid of a mourning like that, overnight. The mourning will always be present but, besides that, there is life that goes on.“. This is what Daniel Prevost had confessed on the airwaves of RTL, in 2020, about the loss of his wife, Jette, a little more than 10 years earlier.

The great drama of his life

He who had met the love of his life during the Elsinore festival in Denmark in the 1960s, will have had time to marry her and start a family with her – they had three children Søren, Erling and Christophe Prévost – before she abruptly left him… It was in March 2007, when the actor of “Dinner of jerks” was shooting a TV movie, “Mr Joseph“for France 2…

This terrible March 19, 2007, Jette Bertelsen (wife Prévost) had died in the hotel where the couple was then staying, in Lille. It was an employee of the establishment who had found her dead in her bathtub…

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A drama from which Daniel Prévost never fully recovered. In the columns of Figarohe had indeed explained in this regard in 2018: “This is not the story of my life but it is true that the disappearance of my wife acted as a detonator. I needed to write to rebuild myself because after a tragedy you need to recreate something. And this license to rebuild, you will get it with your family, with those who remain“.

A much sought after actor

Because from this ordeal a book was born, “You will never know how much I love you“, where the movie star confided in the couple they formed, and on what his death entailed in his life. The story also speaks of rebirth and hope.

For his part, Daniel Prévot kept himself very busy after this loss. He notably shot for Laurent Tirard, in 2009, in “The little Nicolas(and its sequel in 2014), in “Lucky Luke” of James Huth, the same year, more recently he was in “Retirement home”in 2022, with Kev Adams, in front of the camera of Thomas Gilou.


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