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Airbus and Air France were released on Monday April 17, almost 14 years after the crash of the Rio-Paris flight. The Paris court found that the builder and the company had not committed any fault in connection with the disaster. The relatives of the victims are disgusted.
The distress and disgust of a sister, almost 14 years after the death of her brother, a passenger on the flight Rio-Paris. The court has just released Air France and Airbus, Monday, April 17. For many relatives of victims, this same feeling of injustice. “There have been faults committed, and despite the faults, no one is punished“, laments Claire Durousseauaunt of a passenger who died in the crash.
No clear causal link
Justice recognizes several shortcomings. For the judges, Airbus should have changed the probes Pitot involved in the accident. Their icing problem was well known, and the manufacturer did not alert the companies sufficiently. For Air France, the judges consider that they would have had to better inform the pilots about the freezing of the probes. However, the court explains that there is no obvious causal link between these shortcomings and the accident. After this release, only the public prosecutor’s office can appeal the judgment, which is rare in such a case.