religious ceremony and civil marriage, the adorable photos that have just been unveiled

To live happy, live hidden. Fiji Ruiz seems to have understood the saying and applies it to the letter. Indeed, his fans discovered without doubt with a huge surprise that the reality TV candidate was no longer a heart to take. Something that her community already knew, because she has been in a relationship with Anas for many years now and that Dylan Thiry seems to be well and truly forgotten. On the other hand, what everyone did not know was that the young woman was now married to the chosen one of her heart.

It is indeed on her Instagram account that the beauty announced the happy news which dates… from July 2021. “Mr. and Mrs. Benturquia. There is the name given to us at birth and the name we choose to wear out of love. We have to tell you a secret hehe. Some people suspect it, others don’t. Yes we united before God July 26, 2021″wrote the one who revealed the pictures of her villa after several months of work a few weeks ago.

A year of intimate love

But why hide this happy news from his community? Fiji Ruiz gave the answer again explaining that she and Anas had “wanted to live this first year of newlyweds in the most total privacy. We wanted to keep this secret and savor it all exclusively. But a few days ago the civil wedding took place (hence the arrival of my most precious my parents… and yes i saw your messages. many understood at that time)”.

Everything being official, Fiji Ruiz, who experienced some physical glitches in the face, therefore had no more reason to hide his happiness from his followers. “It is time for us to share all this happiness with you. May the Merciful God protect us and keep us united here and in the hereafter Inshallah. I love you in this life and in the next”, she wrote in particular. We wish the newlyweds a lot of happiness and hope that their love will last forever.

See also: Fiji Ruiz (The Battle of Couples) reveals the details of his serious car accident


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