“We need five billion dollars a month to resist,” says Volodymyr Zelensky in Davos

Speaking by videoconference at the World Economic Forum, the Ukrainian president also called for “maximum sanctions against Russia, which has become a state of war crimes”.

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The Ukrainian president calls for more resources in the face of the invasion of his country by Russian forces. “We need five billion dollars a month to resist”, declared the Head of State during an intervention at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Monday, May 23. He took advantage of this new forum to urge the world to provide more aid, both financial and military. The leader also called for “maximum sanctions against Russia, become a state of war crimes”.

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“The sanctions (…) should be maximum, so that Russia and any other potential aggressor who wants to wage a brutal war against its neighbor clearly knows the immediate consequences of its actions”he launched by videoconference at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF). “There should be no trade with Russia”he insisted, claiming among other things “an embargo on Russian oil” and measures against “all Russian banks, without exception”. Volodymyr Zelensky also called for “setting a precedent for the complete withdrawal of all foreign companies from the Russian market”.

Volodymyr Zelensky also called for more weapons for his country, regretting that the support of the international community has not always been fast enough.

“If we had received 100% of our needs in February, the result would have been tens of thousands of lives saved. That’s why Ukraine needs all the weapons we ask for, not just the ones that were supplied. This is why Ukraine needs funding”he defended in Davos.

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