Rationing, gas supply, barbecue considered sexist… The informed of the morning of Tuesday August 30, 2022

Every day, the informed in the morning discuss the news.

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With Marc Fauvelle and Renaud Dely, Tuesday August 30, Sophie de Ravinel, political journalist at Figaro and Gilles Bornsteinpolitical journalist at franceinfo..

The themes :

After the end of plenty, the specter of rationing? In her speech to employers, the head of government Élisabeth Borne asked companies to act to consume less energy, waving the threat of rationing measures this winter, when Russia could cut off supplies to Europe in gas.

Is barbecue sexist? Meat, private pool, etc. The national secretary of EELV Julien Bayou supported Tuesday the remarks of the deputy Sandrine Rousseau on the barbecue “symbol of virility”, while the communist leader Fabien Roussel was offended that we speak “of the sex of the cutlets”. Does the Nupes want to multiply the prohibitions?

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