Rachel Legrain-Trapani “disappointed”: she reveals to have gained weight after an “irritating” comment

Rachel Legrain-Trapani has come a long way since her election as Miss France in 2007. The pretty brunette has notably become the mother of two beautiful children. First there was the birth of Gianni, her 7-year-old son, the fruit of her marriage to former footballer Aurélien Capoue) then that of Andrea (1 year and a half), another boy she had with his companion Valentin Léonard. And inevitably, with two pregnancies, the body of Rachel Legrain-Trapani has changed in recent years. If she is a big fan of sport and generally adopts a healthy lifestyle, the 33-year-old young woman sometimes relaxes her efforts. And, Internet users are there to remind him.

Over the weekend, as she revealed herself in story Instagram in her bathroom in a bra and belly in the air, Rachel Legrain-Trapani received a somewhat inappropriate comment. “Rachel, are you pregnant?“, he was asked. “It certainly does not start from a bad intention but I admit, it annoys me…“, she reacted before claiming to have gained weight lately without it having to do with a new pregnancy. “So yes, I gained 2 pounds in 2 weeks : aperitif, on the go, no sport… I have a morphology to take on quickly, I have no room for error. In short, I’m disappointed“, she said sorry.

Complexed, Rachel Legrain-Trapani nevertheless has no trouble revealing herself in a bikini or lingerie from time to time on her social networks. A way for her to honor her body in which she can be grateful. “Body. It’s time to make peace with your body. The one that I hated so much and yet gave me so much… This body that created and housed my 2 loves… that left some traces“, she wrote for example in the caption of a photo of her on Instagram.

After her second childbirth, she also wanted to share the reality by revealing a photo of her completely assumed. “No, I did not find my pre-pregnancy body… it takes time and the women who have a flat stomach after giving birth is very rare so don’t panic… Our body will recover and take the time it takes“, she reassured.

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