“Let’s sit around the table to find a global compromise that will allow the left to avoid institutional instability,” demanded the socialist mayor of Saint-Ouen in an interview given to “La Voix du Nord”.
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Lucie Castets, the New Popular Front candidate for Matignon, “must be appointed Prime Minister”defended Karim Bouamrane, socialist mayor of Saint-Ouen, on Wednesday August 21, calling in an interview for The Voice of the North has “a global compromise” For “avoiding institutional instability”. “I am a socialist, I supported the New Popular Front (NFP) and therefore I support Lucie Castets”says in this interview the city councilor, presented in recent days in the press as a possible recourse for Matignon.
“There is no subject. I have no personal ambition and the Elysée has not offered me anything.”
Karim Bouamranein “The Voice of the North”
“If ever the President of the Republic did me the honour of proposing Matignon to me, I would turn to my political family, because we cannot accept this position without having the momentum to build a path towards the necessary measures in favour of low wages, public services, health, housing and security.”he says.
If Karim Bouamrane assures that the NFP “must take leadership” and that the proposals of the left “must be a priority”the mayor believes that “the future government must be representative of the weight of each of the republican formations”. “Let’s sit around the table to find a global compromise that will allow the left to avoid institutional instability”he defends, believing that “Compromise is the only way to save France”.
The leader of the LFI deputies, Mathilde Panot, wanted to be uncompromising on this subject on Wednesday: “We will respect the word we gave to voters regarding our programme and we do not want a government of national unity.” The issue will be at the center of the meeting between the leaders of the NFP, accompanied by Lucie Castets, and Emmanuel Macron on Friday morning at the Elysée, opening a series of discussions between the president and political and parliamentary leaders.