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A Viavoice survey for the newspaper Liberation reveals that purchasing power is the subject of greatest concern to the French. They are very critical of the government’s actions on this issue.
Liberation and Viavoice have just published a survey on the main concerns of the French. Asked about the priorities that should be those of the government and Parliament for this start of the school year, this panel answered 73% that purchasing power was an essential question. 19% of them feel closer to the National Rally to respond to this issue. Just behind, we find La République en Marche and La Nupes, both at 16%.
After purchasing power comes health, for 55% of respondents, then safety, at 43%. Ecology and employment come just behind, at 41%. At the back of the pack, the European Union is only considered important by 6% of respondents. As for what the French think of the actions of the government to respond to their economic difficulties, 62% of them are dissatisfied with its policy.