Win your VIP experience for the great back-to-school concert of France Bleu Paris at the Trocadéro!

From August 29, it’s back to school on France Bleu Paris! As you discover the voices and programs that will accompany you on a daily basis, France Bleu Paris offers you an exceptional return to school ! In the heart of the International Village of Gastronomy, your Ile-de-France radio station invites you to celebrate our reunion with an exceptional concert!

France Bleu Paris back-to-school concert © Radio France

4 France Bleu artists will perform on the ephemeral stage set up in the Jardins du Trocadéro with only the sparkles of one of the most emblematic French monument: the Eiffel Tower! On the casting side we find:

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And for 4 of you, the event will be even more special! Imagine instead: a meal with international flavors, served under a bell jar in a privileged setting at the same time as the concert with a view of the stage, the Trocadéro Gardens and the Eiffel Tower!

On the program: an entry peruviana main course Malian and a mixed dessert the best of French, Indonesian and Algerian flavors ! It’s a four-star moment that France Bleu Paris offers you with this back-to-school dinner-concert on Friday September 2 at 8:30 p.m.!

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The International Village of Gastronomy

Placed under the high patronage of the President of the Republic, the event is a perfect platform for promoting gastronomy around the world. The International Village of Gastronomy, in partnership with France Bleu Paris, is the world’s largest event dedicated to popular cuisines. Reserved by embassies and representatives of foreign communities in Paris, the Village stands cook together for the countless French and foreign visitors.

48 countries and regions will be represented in the Jardins du Trocadéro. the Village also offers culinary demonstrations as well as dance shows or concerts in order to further immerse visitors in other cultures.

For this 5th edition, it is Indonesia which is in the spotlight and Guy Savoy is the godfather.

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