Purchasing power, public hospital crisis … The informed of the morning of Wednesday June 1, 2022

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Reading time : 1 min.

With Marc Fauvelle and Renaud Dély, Roselyne Febvrehead of political service at France 24, Bruno Divecolumnist at South Westand Fanny Guinocheteconomics columnist at franceinfo.

The themes

– Purchasing power: how to increase wages? Inflation reached 5.2% in May compared to May 2021 according to INSEE, thus reaching a level not seen since 1985. Faced with concerns, what can the government do? Can he force business leaders to raise wages?

– Does the public hospital go to the summer period? Emmanuel Macron was visiting the Cherbourg hospital on Tuesday. The establishment is, like many others, affected by a shortage of staff, in an area of ​​medical desertification. The president announced the launch of a “flash mission” on emergencies, followed in July by a major health conference. How big is the crisis? Isn’t the real problem the medical deserts? Should unvaccinated caregivers who have been suspended be reinstated?

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