Prince William celebrates his 40th birthday: a look back at his years as a party boy with Kate [PHOTOS]

Prince William is 40 years old. What put everyone a little nudge behind the neck as the memory of him as a child, with his late mother Lady Diana still seems very present in the memories. And yet, he has come a long way! Now, all hopes of ensuring the popularity and continuity of the British monarchy rest on him even if his father, Prince Charles, will first ascend the throne before him after the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Proud representative of the crown, he was not always so serious…

Indeed, before giving himself fully to his role as future heir, Prince William experienced a festive period. If we tend to associate the world of the night with his brother, Prince Harry, it is because we forget his young years a little quickly… In 2003, his relationship with Kate Middleton was formalized after several weeks of rumors . The two young people had then met a few months earlier at the University of St. Andrews. At the end of their studies, in 2006, they left Scotland and returned to London. A period during which we can then see them on several occasions partying, sometimes very alcoholic as evidenced by their small faces in period photos, almost everywhere in the clubs of the capital: at Boujis (which has since closed), Embassy (also closed today) or Mahiki (to the same fate as the other establishments!)…

With the passing years, William begins to fall into line and avoids finding himself on the front page of British tabloids so as not to end up like his brother, in unflattering photos… Thus, from 2010 and the announcement of his engagement with Kate Middleton, ended crazy nightclub trips until the middle of the night. The one who also holds the title of Duke of Cambridge married his lover in 2011 during a sumptuous wedding followed by millions of viewers around the world at Westminster Abbey. Subsequently, the couple will welcome three children: George (born July 22, 2013), Charlotte (born May 2, 2015) and, youngest, the turbulent Louis (born April 23, 2018).

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