Poland, Hungary and Slovakia refuse to reopen their borders to Ukrainian grain

The grain issue has continued to poison relations between Ukraine and several Eastern European countries. The European Commission confirmed, on Friday September 15, the end of the authorization granted to five states to block imports of certain Ukrainian agricultural products, accused of driving prices down to the detriment of local farmers. Ukraine is committed to adopting measures to “avoid flights” exports and prices. But Poland, Hungary and Slovakia have announced their intention to maintain these restrictions, at the risk of a standoff with Brussels and kyiv, of which Warsaw is one of the closest allies.

Zelensky in Washington on Thursday. The Ukrainian president will be received at the White House by Joe Biden, announced the American national security adviser, Jake Sullivan. This second visit to the United States since the start of the war “comes at a critical time, as Russia desperately seeks help from countries like North Korea to wage its brutal war in Ukraine”, this senior official told the press. Volodymyr Zelensky will also participate in the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Kim Jong-Un continues his visit to Russia. North Korea’s leader arrived in Vladivostok, where he was greeted by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu before boarding a warship, Russian state news agency Tass reported.

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